5K Run & Walk to End Shoelessnes on October 14!

Our mission is to provide shoes to the homeless and those in need, free of charge, in local communities throughout the United States.
Please join us on October 14th for our 5 K Run/Walk to end Shoelessness. To register to volunteer, walk or run go to https://secure.frontstream.com/5-k-run-walk-to-end-shoelessness or scan:

If you are not a runner/walker, please consider volunteering to help us run the event. Looking forward to seeing you on October 14th! Please bring shoe donations too!
Best Wishes,
Ira Diamond, Founder
Shoes for the Homeless, Inc.

Google Review:
If you love what we do at Shoes for the Homeless, Inc.,
please give us a great Google Review by clicking here:

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