Dr. Michael J. Levi has been practicing in Santa Monica, California for 25 years. He is on staff at St. John’s Hospital, where he has served as chief of the Podiatric Surgical Section. He is the
team podiatrist for the Los Angeles Clippers, the UCLA Men’s Tennis Team, and the Los Angeles Ballet Company. He is also a guest lecturer for the Health and Human Sciences Department at Loyola Marymount University.
Dr. Levi served as the President for the California Board of Podiatric Medicine from 2008-2009. He has volunteered for over 25 years at the Venice Family Clinic, which offers low-income
families medical care. He was honored for his contributions in 2000 and received California Humanitarian Award from California Podiatric Medical Association.
Dr. Levi is married and has two children and three Boxer dogs. He dedicates his free time to a number of charitable non-profit organizations. His other interests include recreational basketball, triathlons, and art.