St. John Chrysostom School Holds Shoe Drive to help the homeless!

Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. thanks St. John Chrysostom School for hosting its annual shoe drive which will benefit those in need in the Southern California area. St. John Chrysostom School is a co-educational Catholic elementary school in Inglewood, educating more than 275 students, grades transitional kindergarten through eighth.
Now retired, June Hudson, a former 4th grade teacher and assistant principal, introduced the concept of a shoe drive to Jae Kim, principal. She said that the shoe drive ties in with the mission of St. John by instilling a spirit of service and hope in students, providing them with an awareness of social issues. She added that participating in service projects such as a shoe drive helps students develop compassion for others and self-discipline. “We, as Christians, have an obligation to do our small part,” Kim said. He continued, “For a child to give shoes that they’re not using or grown out of is a practical way to give back.”Kim added, “I would encourage other organizations, especially those with families to give back to those in need, to those who are homeless.”Each year, St John Chrysostom School collects over 1,000 pairs of shoes which are distributed to those in need without any cost to recipients.
For more information on sponsoring a shoe drive, volunteering for shoe processing, or making a monetary donation, contact Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. at (800) 394-8286 or St. John Chrysostom School can be contacted at (310) 677-5868 or at

St. John Chrysostom School
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