Founder Dr. Ira Diamond Receives Award from RPCVLA
The Board of Directors of Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. is proud to announce that Founder Ira Diamond, DPM received the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Los Angeles Annual Local Hero Award at their 2018 Annual International Dinner in October. Dr. Diamond spoke at the dinner about the critical need of shoes in the homeless population.
RPCVLA's mission is to promote cross-cultural awareness and international development through community service and social interaction. SFTH thanks RPCVLA for their recent monetary donation and for hosting a Fill the Box shoe drive at their upcoming holiday party!

Pictured below from left to right: Dina Navar, RPCVLA Co-Vice President Jimmy Ngo, RPCVLA Webmaster, Dr. Ira Diamond, Carol Diamond and Darren Drewry, RPCVLA President

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