Shoes for the Homeless continues to take action!

Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. continues to take action during the pandemic by providing much needed shoes to those most vulnerable including those with mental illness.
This week we provided over 800 pairs of shoes to Mental Health America LA (MHALA). With multiple sites in the Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita Valley and Long Beach, MHALA serves adults and transition-age youth who have mental health needs and limited financial resources, including veterans.
Since 2015, Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. has provided thousands of shoes to Mental Health America of Los Angeles. Please check out MHALA at Thank you MHALA for all you do!

Top photo: Molly Ann Woods, MHALA Chief Development Officer Picks Up Shoes from SFTH
Bottom Photo: MHALA Has Donated Shoes Ready for Distribution
#shoesforthehomeless, #nycshoedrive, #lashoedrive, #helpthoseinneednyc, #getinvolved, #homelessness, #nonprofit, #givebacktothecommunity, #volunteer #causes, #donatenyc, #nonprofit, #charity, #shoedrive, #newyorkcitypetstores,#philanthropy, #socialgood, #homeless, #newyorkcityhomeless, #newyorkcityshoedrive, #newyorkcitycatlovers, #stjohnchrysostomschool