Animal Lovers Unite to Help the Homeless Receive Shoes in NYC!

When you stop in to take care of your pets, you can also help take care of the homeless and people in need.
Please donate your lightly-used shoes as we help the homeless of NYC, one step at a time. Shoes offer comfort, protection and dignity so those in need can get back on their feet.
Thank you to our many drop-off locations
For a complete list of drop off locations, please visit us at
Donations are accepted at all @beastyfeast, @nycpet, and @BYOPNY locations.
#shoesforthehomeless, #nycshoedrive, #helpthoseinneednyc, #getinvolved, #homelessness, #nonprofit, #givebacktothecommunity, #volunteer #causes, #donatenyc, #nonprofit, #charity, #newyorkcitypetstores,#philanthropy, #socialgood, #homeless, #newyorkcityhomeless, #newyorkcityshoedrive, #newyorkcitycatlovers,